Kapasistas Masyarakat Sekitar Kampus ITB Dalam Menghadapi Gempa Bumi
communiy, capacity, earthquake hazardAbstract
Lembang fault moves by slip rate of 2-4 millimeters per year (Meilano, 2011). Within the last year, Bandung had at least twice the incidence of earthquakes, ie 22 July 2011 earthquake which felt by people living in Bojongkoneng, Ujungberung and Sand Impun, and 28 August 2011 earthquake in Cisarua damaging 103 homes.
The number of people who do not understand the characteristics of the danger around him makes possible losses and negative impact becomes very large. It is necessary for the study of the capacity or the ability of communities to mitigate the impact of the earthquake risk in Bandung. This study was conducted to measure the index of the capacity of the general public and government agencies located around the Institut Teknologi Bandung with radius 1 km. Government agencies such LIPI, Polsek Coblong, BATAN Bandung, BAPPEDA, Depkominfo, and institutions or other places that are not owned by the government such clinical Bumi Medika Ganesha, Wisma Dago, Borromeus Hospital, and several factory outlets in Jl. Ir. H. Juanda.
Data from 50 respondents were analyzed with descriptive statistics, it is concluded: information index = 0.6450, knowledge index = 0.7133, perception index = 0.52, response index = 0.64, membership index = 0.05, preparation index = 0.4, and training index = 0.54. Using wAI = 0.6 and wPI = 0.4, obtained values CI = 0.509857. From these values it can be concluded that the capacity of the community around the campus ITB categorized as medium capacity index.
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