Mengukur Ketangguhan Sosial Ekonomi Provinsi Sumatera Selatan Dalam Menghadapi Bencana Dengan Menggunakan Prevalent Vulnerability Index (PVI)


  • Ratih Nurmasari Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana
  • Suprapto Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana
  • Ainun Rosyida Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana


Social resilience, economic resilience, Prevalent Vulnerability Index (PVI)


Disaster is the intersection of vulnerability on the one hand and hazard on the other side. One of the key that should be doing to reduce disaster risk and increase resilience is by measuring the vulnerability. Vulnerability and resilience are the two things that are interrelated. This study aim0s to measure social economic resilience in order to reduce vulnerability. The measured region is South Sumatra Province because this province is a potential province, but tend to be prone to disasters. Social economic resilience measured using Prevalent Vulnerability Index (PVI), which is calculated from several social economic indicators. The results showed that the social economic resilience of South Sumatra Province has been good enough. PVI value of all districts/ municipalities are relatively similar and this is show that the social economic resilience in South Sumatra Province has been fairly equal. Some of indicators still need to be improved. Those are the indicators included in the component PVILR (Lack of Resilience) which are indicators related to the capacity of the region.




