Introduction to ICS (I-100)rnBasic ICS - ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents (I-200)rnIntermediate ICS - ICS for Expanding Incidents (I-300)
This document was developed by the US Forest Service, with funding from the US Agency for International Development's Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance. The course materials were adapted fro…
Dokumen ini dikembangkan oleh US Forest Service, dengan pendanaan dari US Agency for International Development. Materi Pelatihan diadaptasi dari U.S Department of Homeland Security / Pelatihan Tim …
This document was developed by the US Forest Service, with funding from the US Agency for International Development's Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance. The course materials were adapted fro…
Course ObjectivernUpon completion of this course, the participants will learn the roles and responsibilities of the logistics section in providing facilities, services, and materials in support of …
This document was developed by US Forest Service, with funding from the US Agency for International Development's Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance. The course materials were adapted from th…
TUJUANrnPelatihan ini bertujuan mengenalkan Sistem Koordinasi Multiagensi/Multiagency Coordination Systems (MAC) dan memberikan gambaran bagaimana sistem ini dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan upay…
terdapat 1 eksemplar berbahasa Inggris dan 5 eksemplar berbahasa Indonesia
Dokumen ini dikembangkan oleh US Forest Service sebagai bagian dari program Kerjasama Manajemen Penanganan Bencana antara ASEAN-US, dengan pendanaan dari US Agency for International Development (US…
ICS - 400 : Advanced ICS rnStudent Handout